Benefit from our specially discounted training-inclusive software bundles with between £100 and £210 off. What better way to hit the gound running with new software than to take the recommended training courses, with the added sweetener of a big discount?
How does it work?
First, choose the bundle which matches your requirements. Go to 'Products' and add one copy of the software into your basket. Then, visit the Training Diary and pick one each of the named courses in that bundle (please make sure you pick dates so that you do the courses in the correct order, as shown below). Now go to your shopping basket and the discount will be applied.
If you have any questions then please give us a call.

"Surveying" - A starter pack for land surveyors
1 copy of LSS Solo licensed for 12 months, 1 place on Introduction to LSS and 1 place on Land Surveyors courses. Normal singles price £600. Current best discount price £580. Bundle price £500 plus VAT, that's a maximum saving of £100.

"Survey and Volumes" - An upgraded version of the "Surveying" pack but with Vista instead of Solo and an extra days training
One copy of LSS Vista (or Vista +PC for an extra £250) licensed for 12 months, 1 place on Introduction to LSS, 1 place on Land Surveyors or Engineers and 1 place on Intermediate LSS courses. Normal singles price (with LSS Vista) £1025. Current best discount price £965. Bundle price £865 plus VAT, that's a maximum saving of £160.

Volumes and Sections" - This package is targeted at engineers who don't do surveying.
One copy of LSS Vista (or Vista +PC for an extra £250) licensed for 12 months, 1 place on Introduction to LSS and 1 place on Intermediate LSS courses. Normal singles price (with LSS Vista)£850. Current best discount price £830. Bundle price £750 plus VAT, that's a maximum saving of £100.

"The Works" - aimed at those needing Elite and likely to be doing earthworks designs, restoration, complex volumes and even ZVIs.
One copy of LSS Elite (or Elite +PC for an extra £250) licensed for 12 months, Any three training courses to suit your particular needs. Normal singles price (with LSS Elite) £1275. Current best discount price £1215. Bundle price £1065 plus VAT, that's a maximum saving of £210.
If you are in doubt about which courses you will need then please call our training department on 01452 864244. Candidates with no prior or limited experience of LSS should always attend the Introduction training before any other.

"Point cloud Starter" - Vista with the pointcloud add-on and every course you’ll need to create your own surveys from pointclouds.
One copy of LSS Vista +PC licensed for 12 months, One place on Introduction, one on either Land Surveyors or Engineering Surveyors and one place on 3D Vision training course. Normal singles price £1275. Bundle price £1115 plus VAT, that's a maximum saving of £160.
If you are in doubt about which courses you will need then please call our training department on 01452 864244. Candidates with no prior or limited experience of LSS should always attend the Introduction training before any other.
Terms & Conditions of this offer:
1. This offer runs until further notice but may be withdrawn at any time without prior notice.
2. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer and is open to those purchasing new copies of LSS only. That includes new licensees and existing licensees who are purchasing new copies of LSS.
3. This offer only applies to online sales when payment is made with a credit or debit card.
4. Simply add the relevant software and courses in your basket and the special discount will be automatically applied.
5. If you are intending purchasing additional LSS products or training which are not part of this special offer, please do this as a separate transaction, otherwise you may not get the correct amount of discount at the checkout.
6. Training courses must be booked together with the software, but it is the responsibilty of the person placing the order to make sure that the attendees on the course(s) are available to take up those places.
7. Training course places must be booked and paid for on the website.
8. No refunds are allowed for non-attendance on any course.
9. The cost of delivery of the LSS software within the UK is included in the price. Additional 'guaranteed' and 'courier' delivery options and prices for oversees delivery will be presented at the checkout and charged accordingly.
10. This offer may be withdrawn or altered without prior notice, but all transactions authorised before any withdrawal or change will be honoured.