Rough Guides on how to use LSS

In addition to our comprehensive set of 'Movie-style' tutorials covering every LSS command and a selection of worked examples, we have put together a collection of 'Rough Guides' in response to support queries from LSS users.

These PDF documents are not polished publications, but should give you some idea of how to complete a particular task. If you require help on any aspect of the system, whether or not you have read these guides, please do not hesitate to contact our support line.

Feature coding for Land & Engineering Surveyors

This document describes all the feature coding options available in LSS, including how best to code start and end of strings, how and when string numbering may prove useful, creating rectangles with two or three points, intersections, right angles, offsetted strings and a whole host more. In fact in this 28 page guide which contains diagrams and examples you will be able to read all about coding for LSS. So, if you are collecting survey data or want to know more about feature codes then this is the document for you.

Converting 2D DXF to a 3D LSS Survey

If you've been sent a 2-D AutoCAD DXF instead of a 3-D one and you want to import it into LSS as a 3-D model this is the rough guide you need. As long as the DXF file contains spot levels as items of text, this Rough Guide will explain how you can recover at least some of the data with the minimum of fuss.

Representing Non-Terrain on sections

This Rough Guide explains how non-terrain links will appear when plotted on long and cross sections.

Free data from the Ordnance Survey (Gt Britain)

The National Mapping agency for Great Britain has made available a number of their terrain and raster datasets for free and these should prove of interest to LSS users wanting to produce digital terrain models for planning applications. This guide lists the datasets which should be of interest, including a 50m grid DTM and raster maps.

Free OS Data

Specifying and handling terrain data

This guide looks at the different types of terrain data you can buy off-the-shelf and what to look for when specifying such data. It also covers the subject of visual impact analysis (Zones of Visual Influence and Impact) as these topics are often touched upon by those who use large DTM datasets as they are often involved with planning applications and need to analyse visual impact.


Matching a photograph with an LSS 3D View

For those LSS users who are involved in producing photomontages from LSS 3D views and digital photographs it is important that the two methods produce the same realistic result. The maths involved in producing a 3D image on a computer screen is fundamentally different to that of a picture taken by a camera. So, we have produced an Excel Spreadsheet which allows the user to enter the focal length and camera sensor size and will calculate a 'field of view' value which can then be entered into LSS. Full instructions are in the spreadsheet itself.

Transparency in 3D views

From time to time we receive a call asking detailed questions about how LSS performs transparency between different over-displayed surveys in 3D view. For the most part, this subject is pretty straightforward to understand. However, there are situations where the nature of any textures which are being used in the survey or any over displayed surveys throws up what are considered unexpected results. We have documented the rules in the following document, but invite users to contact us if they need any further information.

'Thinning' large datasets

With ever expanding datasets coming from laser scanners, LIDAR, RADAR etc, the density of points is increasing and before long it is possible to exceed the 4,080,000 point limit in LSS. So, to overcome this issue we have introduced a data thinning option in the 'Input Load' command. This guide describes how you can use this to produce smaller models which still retain a high degree of precision.

Exporting coordinates at a regular interval

This Rough Guide will explain how to export a set of points at a regular interval along a link or user-defined line in a survey.

Producing a building elevation

This Rough Guide explains the process of how to create a building elevation using an LSS loadfile.

In order to complete the exercise described in the guide you will need to copy the LSS loadfile to your computer. Click the link 'Data' and save the zip file to an empty folder under your 'Surveys' folder on your computer. Unzip the file and use the loadfile which has been extracted.

Plotting / Exporting Sections to a DXF file

This Rough Guide explains how you can 'plot' sections to an LSS survey and then export them to DXF for viewing in AutoCAD. It allows you to see the sections on screen rather than simply plotting them. You can then edit the sections or annotate them before either plotting or exporting. You will need the LSS Testdata installed before you attempt this exercise. If you don't have an LSS (Version 9.91 or later) CD available then visit the main download page and install the latest LSS program update which includes test data. You might also want to view the movie tutorial on sections which explains everything you'll see in the following Rough Guide.

Isopachyte (Level Difference) Modelling

This Rough Guide explains how to create an Isopachyte (Level difference) model, and use coloured height bands to show areas of cut and fill between an OGL and Design models.

Creating Formation Models

This Rough Guile explains how to create a formation model form Surface code depths.

Creating Clay Capping Models

This Rough Guide explains how to create a clay capping model.

Pre/Post Settlement (Surcharge) Modelling

In many examples of placing fill materials the proposed restoration contours represent the required final model after any settlement of the fill has taken place, (That is the Post settlement restoration).

It is usually necessary at planning stage to create a model that allows for settlement of fill materials and this is achieved by creating a Pre-settlement restoration model.

Changing models to match a required volume

In this rough guide we are going to look at the method of adjusting a model to match a required volume.



If you have found these guides of use and would like us to produce more then please contact us with details of the subject(s) you would like to be covered.

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